Free Download Mozila FireFox 22.0 Final MediaFire
Free Download Mozila FireFox 22.0 Final MediaFire - Pada posting kali ini saya akan share tentang softawre browser, yaitu FireFox 22.0 atau bisa di sebut Juga dengan nama FireFox 23.0 Beta 1, software browser ini telah di update pada tanggal 26 Juni 2013, tapi saya baru sempat share sekarang di sebabkan karena kesibukan saya di dunia nyata, mungkin firefox adalah software browser yang paling banyak di gunakan, karena setiap saya ke warnet, atau pinjem komputer teman pasti ada mozila firefox, mozila memiki banyak kelebihan, seperti design browser yang enak dilihat, kecepatan browsing yang cukup memuaskan, download manager, dll. di firefox juga tersedia banyak ekstensi, dan ekstensi yang paling saya suka adalah pop-up blocker, dilihat dari namanya pop-up blocker berfungsi untuk mencegah jendela baru, FireFox menempati Urutan ke Dua Sebagai Browser terbaik menurut toptenreviews, oke langsung saja kita ke fitur-fiturnya.
Berikut Screanshotnya :
What's New in Mozila FireFox 22.0 :
- WebRTC is now enabled by default!
- Firefox now follows display scaling options to render text larger on high-res displays
- HTML5 audio/video playback rate can now be changed
- Social services management implemented in Add-ons Manager
- asm.js optimizations (OdinMonkey) enabled for major performance improvements
- Improved WebGL rendering performance through asynchronous canvas updates
- Plain text files displayed within Firefox will now word-wrap
- For user security, the |Components| object is no longer accessible from web content
- Pointer Lock API can now be used outside of fullscreen
- CSS3 Flexbox implemented and enabled by default
- New Web Notifications API implemented
- New built-in font inspector
- New HTML5 and elements
- Various security fixes
- Scrolling using some high-resolution-scroll aware touchpads feels slow
Features of Firefox :
- Comprehensive popup controls to keep unwanted advertising off your desktop- A tab browsing mode that lets you open several pages in a single window, allowing you to
load links in the background without leaving the page you're on
- Integrated search (powered by Google)
- Industry leading accessibility with Find As You Type - find links and page text by simply typing
- Simplified privacy controls that let you cover your tracks more effectively
- A streamlined browser window that lets you see more of the page than any other browser
while at the same time being more configurable
- free downloadable extensions and themes that add specific functionality and visual changes
to the browser.
Requirements :
- Pentium 4 or newer processor that supports SSE2
- 512MB of RAM
- 200MB of hard drive spacePassword : pram-software
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